Ratto, María Celeste; Cabrera, Juan Manuel; Zacharías, Daniela; Azerrat, Juan Martín; Fantozzi, Anabella Giselle
Base de datos utilizada para elaborar el artículo (2021) “Coronavirus in Latin America. The effectiveness of government measures during the first wave of the outbreak”. Co-autora junto a Juan Manuel Cabrera, Daniela Zacharías y Juan Martín Azerrat. Social Science Quarterly, Special Iddue titled “Public Policy, Opinions, Behavior, and Health Outcomes during the COVID Pandemic." Volumne 102, Issue 5 Pp 2088-2105. September 2021. Q1 Impact Factor: 1.176. Online ISSN:1540-6237. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ssqu.13043